About Us
Now a days, almost all social app provide you to share your status or story features. People are share their mood and feeling emotions through it. So, person usually search best whatsapp status as their status appropriate to his/her feeling. thestatusking.com website is help you to get latest and best whatsapp status.
There are large variety of different emotional feeling status in blog post. Most common categories like attitude status, love status, hindi status, motivation status, two line status or one line status.
Then, copy that particular whatsapp or facebook status which suitable to their mood and share to the social world.
thestatusking.com website is not affiliated to whatsapp inc. in any kind of way. We making this(www.thestatusking.com) website for entertain that people who loves best whatsapp status.
All content on thestatusking.com, Photos is collected from google, internet and other resources, We respect the real owner and this content belongs to them, if you have any copyrighted content on our site, then you can always contact us, we will remove the content as soon as possible.
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